Kalpa Media House | Karkala |
Once again Christ King English Medium High School has recorded 100% result. This result is a milestone in the History of Karkala Taluk. Altogether 118 students appeared for the Board Exam and all the students have passed above first class. Christ King High School is recorded 100% result since 11 years. Ananth N.K secured 623 out of 625 marks.
Securing 623 marks Ananth N.K got the First Rank in Karkala Taluk. Second rank in Udupi District and Third Rank in the State. 13 Students scored more than 600 marks. 71 students passed with Distinction, Remaining 47 students passed with First class. Moreover all the students have passed in above first class. Total 42 students have scored above 90%.
The following are the details of the students who scored marks more than 90% marks. Ananth N.K 623, Anagha V 621, Snehal Pinto 609, Sudeeksha Shetty 609, Alvinia D’sa 606, Liyana Nathal Rodrigues 606, Naveed Zaheed Hussain 605, Shamith Castelino 604, Samruddh 603, Salome D’souza 603, Argya P. Jain 602, Narayani G kini 601, Saniya Meher 600.
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